Mine Site Refinery

Maximise mine site operations with fit-for-future forecasting and modelling.

Monthly planning for your mine-site refinery is typically a compromise. A small group of on-site experts apply their expertise and hunches to a small set of process control data, usually using an over-large and fragile spreadsheet model. The wealth of data available from sensors and processes along the value chain is often ignored because of its sheer volume and complexity.

idoba offers a different approach.

Adopting a data-science, digital and analytics approach to optimisation and planning can help your operations achieve 8-10% improvement in throughput and 1-3 percentage points in recovery performance.[1]

Our mining experts and data gurus will work with your team to co-create a digital model built on our advanced AI solutions like Dynamic Driver Modelling.

With the ability to quickly ingest large data inputs from across your operation and the market, you can evaluate different scenarios, optimise operations, eliminate choke points and more accurately plan next month’s operations.

Our solutions can help you:

Refine your refinery

Accurately model complex interactions, test scenarios and optimise your entire value chain to unleash the full potential of your refinery.

Amplify your analysis

Don’t be limited by spreadsheets, time or brain capacity. Leverage advanced AI to process inputs from thousands of nodes.

Broaden your outlook

Our SaaS model makes it simple to securely share and collaborate with your in-house experts, wherever they are.

Produce accurately costed forecasts

Delight sales and finance teams with a fully costed plan and rolling forecast for next month’s operations. Simplify forward sales and support timely reporting.

Integrate with existing systems

Enjoy a dynamic, real-time 360º view of your company while eliminating time-wasting and error-prone manual data entry.

Audit your alterations

Dynamic Driver Modelling provides an audit trail of all your changes, making it easy to see what’s different.

Optimise your value chain and maximise your mine-site refinery operations to improve overall throughput and bottom line results.

idoba solutions in use

Fit-for-future modelling and forecasting?

Contact our Solutions consultants, today.